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Schwarzwald, Ora (Rodrigue)
"Les tendances linguistiques du développement des traductiones en ladino"
en Mémoires Juives d'Espagne et du Portugal, Esther Benbassa (ed.), París, Publisud, 1996, pp. 127-144.
Schwarzwald, Ora (Rodrigue)
"Methodological Problems in Comparing the Lexicon of the Ladino Haggadahs"
en Hommage à Haïm Vidal Sephiha, Winfried Busse y Marie-Christine Varol-Bornes (eds.), Berna-Berlín-Francfurt-Nueva York-París-Viena, Peter Lang, 1996, pp. 359-372.
Schwarzwald, Ora (Rodrigue)
“Language Choice and Language Varieties Before and After the Expulsion”
en From Iberia to Diaspora. Studies in Sephardic History and Culture, Yedida K. Stillman y Norman A. Stillman (eds.), Leiden-Boston-Colonia, Brill, 1999, pp. 399-415
Schwarzwald, Ora (Rodrigue)
"Ladino Translation of Crypto Jews in Italy"
HaLapid: The Journal of the Society for Crypto Judaic Studies 9 (2004), pp. 8-9.
Schwarzwald, Ora (Rodrigue)
“Géneros en judeoespañol según las características externas e internas del texto”
Ladinar IV (2006), pp. 57-82.
Schwarzwald, Ora (Rodrigue)
“Types of Passover Haggadoth in Ladino”
en Proceedings of the Thirteenth British Conference on Judeo-Spanish Studies, 7-9 september 2003, Hilary Pomeroy (ed.), London, Department of Hispanic Studies Queen Mary, University of London, 2006, pp. 105-118
Schwarzwald, Ora (Rodrigue)
“Le style du Me’am Lo’ez: une tradition linguistique”
Yod: revue des études hebraïques et juives 11-12 (2006-2007), pp. 77-112.
Schwarzwald, Ora (Rodrigue)
“Between East and West: Differences between Ottoman and North African Judeo-Spanish Haggadot”
El Prezente. Studies in Sephardic Culture 2 (2008), pp. 223-241.
Schwarzwald, Ora (Rodrigue)
“On the Jewish Nature of Medieval Spanish Biblical Translations: linguistic Differences between Medieval and Post-Exilic Spanish Translations of the Bible”
Sefarad: Revista de Estudios Hebraicos y Sefardíes 70, 1 (2010), pp. 117-140
Schwarzwald, Ora (Rodrigue)
“Lexical Variations in Two Ladino Prayer Books for Women”
en Lexicologia y lexicografía judeoespañolas, Busse, Winfried y Michael Studemund-Halévy (eds.), Bern (et al.), Peter Lang, 2011, pp. 53-86
Schwarzwald, Ora (Rodrigue)
"Linguistic features of a sixteenth century women's Ladino prayer book: The language used for instructions and prayers"
. Selected Papers from the Fifteenth Conference on Judeo-Spanish Studies, eds. Hilary Pomeroy, Chris J. Pountain y Elena Romero, London, Queen Mary, 2012, pp. 247-260.)
Schwarzwald, Ora (Rodrigue)
"The Relationship between Ladino Liturgical Texts and Spanish Bibles"
The Hebrew Bible in Fifteenth-Century Spain. Exegesis, Literature, Philosophy, and the Arts, eds. Jonathan Decter y Arturo Prats, Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2012, pp.223-244
Schwarzwald, Ora (Rodrigue)
Seder Nashim: A 16th Century Prayer Book for Women in Ladino, Saliniki (Sidur para mujeres en ladino, Salónica, siglo XVI)
Jerusalem, Ben Zvi Institute, 2012
Schwarzwald, Ora (Rodrigue)
Pirke Avot. Mueva traduksion en Ladino
s.l., Autoridad Nasionala del Ladino, 2018
Schwarzwald, Ora (Rodrigue), coord.; Ora (Rodrigue) Schwarzwald, David M. Bunis y Yaakov Bentolila, autores
Las ortografias del Ladino
Tel Aviv, Akademia Nasionala del Ladino, 2021
Scolnik, Julie
“Detective Novels Published in Judeo-Spanish in Salonika”
Judeo Espagnol: Social and cultural life in Salonika through judeo-Spanish Texts, Molho, Rena (ed.), Thessaloniki, Ets Ahaim Foundation, 2008, pp. 167-172
Scolnik, Julie
“El comercho de mujeres a Boston vs. La trata de blancas en Boston: Judeo-Spanish and Spanish Versions of a Detective Novel Published at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century”
en Proceedings of the Fourteenth British Conference on Judeo-Spanish Studies, 26-28 June 2006, Pomeroy, Hilary, Christopher J. Pountain y Elena Romero (eds.), London, Department of Hispanic Studies Queen Mary, University of London, 2008, pp. 213-221
Scolnik, Julie
"Tras las huellas de la novela detectivesca de lengua sefardí"
en Languages and Literatures of Sephardic and Oriental Jews, David M. Bunis (ed.,), Jerusalem, Misgav Yerushalayim-The Bialik Institute, 2009, pp. 380-385
Scolnik, Julie
"The Detective Novel in Ladino: Clues to a Little Known Genre"
en European Judaism 43.2 (otoño 2010), pp. 126-133.
Scolnik, Julie
“La novela detectivesca en lengua sefardí: pistas y pesquisas”
en Estudios sefardíes dedicados a la memoria de Iacob M. Hassán (z”l), Elena Romero y Aitor García Moreno (eds.), Madrid, CSIC et al., 2011, pp. 569-578.
Scolnik, Julie
"The American Connection; To and Fro between La America of New York and the Judeo-Spanish Press of the Middle East and Territories of the Ottoman Empire"
en Sánchez, Rosa y Marie-Christine Bornes Varol (eds.), La presse judéo espagnole, support et vecteur de la modernité, Istanbul, Libra Kitap, 2013, pp. 71-84
Scolnik, Julie
"Advertisements in the Judeo-Spanish Periodical La América: A Reflection of the Sephardic Society of New York"
Ladinar 7-8 (2014), pp. 291-302
Scolnik, Julie
"Libro de embeźar las linguas ingleśa y yudiš: La América’s Guidebook to Learning English and Yiddish and Becoming an American Citizen"
Miscelánea de Estudios Árabes y Hebraicos. Sección Hebreo 63 (2014), pp. 285-297
Scolnik, Julie
Nat Pinkerton. Diez novelas policíacas en lengua sefardí
Barcelona, Tirocinio, 2014
Scolnik, Julie
"The Libro de instrucción religiosa: The Teaching of Religion in the Schools of the Alliance Israélite Universelle"
Ladinar X (2019), pp. 113-122
Scolnik, Julie
"A Reflection of Ethnic Identity in the American Jewish Press: the Yiddish Forverts and Judeo-Spanish La America"
en Zeljko Jovanovic y María Sánchez Pérez, eds., Ovras son onores. Estudios sefardíes en homenaje a Paloma Díaz-Mas, Leioa, Universidad del País Vasco, 2021,pp. 43-56
Scott, Renèe
“La experiencia sefardí en Latinoamérica: tres novelas de Teresa Porzecanski y Rosa Nissán
Sefarad: Revista de Estudios Hebraicos y Sefardíes 58, 2 (1998), pp. 387-399
Sefiha, Avraam Andreas
“Opening address”
Judeo Espaniol: The evolution of a culture, Gatenio, Rafael (ed.), Thessaloniki, Ets Ahaim Foundation, 1999, pp. 9-10