Italy | Parliamentary debates

Debate on the Treaty of Paris at the Senate (part I, II, III, IV, V and VI) (in Italian)

Addresses regarding the EEC and EuratomTreaties:

   -  Address given by Randolfo Pacciardi

    - Address given by Gaetano Martino

    - Address given by Attilio Piccioni

Debate on the Single European Act at the Senate (in Italian)

Debate on the Treaty of Maastricht at the Senate (in Italian)

Debate on the Treaty of Amsterdam at the Chamber of Deputies (in Italian)

Debate on the Treaty of Amsterdam at the Senate (in Italian)

Debate on the Treaty of Nice at the Chamber of Deputies (in Italian)

Debate on the Treaty of Nice at the Senate (in Italian)

Debate on the Treaty of Lisbon at the Chamber of Deputies (part I and part II) (in Italian)

Debate on the Treaty of Lisbon at the Senate (in Italian)