Lithuania | Bibliography

Jarukaitis I. (2007) Ratification of the European Constitution in Lithuania and its Impact on the National Constitutional System, in The European Constitution and national constitutions: ratification and beyond, Anneli Albi, Jacques Ziller, Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Gelazis N (2001) “Institutional Engineering in Lithuania: Stability through Compromise” in Zielonka J. and Pravda A. (eds) Democratic Conso1idation in Eastern Europe. Volume 1: Institutional Engineering, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Taube C., (2001) Constitutionalism in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania: A Study in Comparative Constitutional Law, Uppsala.

Vadapalas V. (2001) “Lithuania: The Constitutional Impact of the Enlargement at National Level” in Kellermann, A., De Zwaan, J. and Czuczai, J. (eds) EU Enlargement. The Constitutional Impact at EU and National Level, The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press.

Vadapalas V. (1999) “Constitutional Reform in Lithuania preparing its Accession to the European Union”, Berlin University FCE , 2/99

Loeber D. A. (1998) “Regaining independence – Constitutional aspects: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania”, Review of Central and East European Law, No 1.

Žilys J. (1998) “The new constitution of the Republic of Lithuania in the context of the European law system” in Jundzis T. The Baltic States at Historical Crossroads. Problems in the Context of International Cooperation on the Doorstep of the 21st Century, Riga: Academy of Sciences of Latvia.

Kriauciunas D. (1997) “Constitutional Aspects of Lithuania's Membership of the EU” in Maniokas K. and Vitkus G. (eds) Lithuania's Integration into the European Union, Vilnius: European Integration Studies Centre.

Masiokas K., Vitkus G. (1997) Lithuania's Integration into the European Union, Vilnius: European Integration Studies Centre.

Vadapalas V. (1996) “Incorporation and Implementation of Human Rights in Lithuania” in Scheinin M. (ed) International Human Rights Norms in the Nordic and Baltic Countries, Dordrecht: Kluwer Law International.