Finland | Bibliography

Johansson, K. and Raunio, T. (2010), Organizing the core executive for European Union affairs: comparing Finland and Sweden, Public Administration, 88: 649–664.

Ojanen, T. (2004) The Impact of EU Membership on Finnish Constitutional Law, European public law, Vol. 10, Nº. 3, 2004, págs. 531-564.

Raunio, T. and Tiilikainen. T. (2003) Finland in the European Union, London, Frank Cass.

Mäenpää, O. (2001) Eurooppalainen hallinto-oikeu s, Helsinki: Kauppakaari.

Kulovesi, K. (2000) International Relations in the New Constitution of Finland, 69 Nordic Journal of International Law, 513-522.

Jääskinen, N (1999) “The Application of Community law in Finland : 1995–1998”, Common Market Law Review , 36 (2): pp. 407-441.

Raunio, T. (1999) Facing the European Challenge. Finnish Parties Adjust to the Integration Process, West European Politics, No. 22/1999, pp.138-59.

Stenberg, E. (1999) The intellectual debate on the European Union in Finland :

Tiilikainen, T, (1998) Europe and Finland: defining the political identity of Finland in Western Europe, Aldershot: Ashgate.

Wiberg, M. (1997) Trying to Make Democracy Work, The Nordic Parliaments and the European Union, Stockholm: The Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation & Gidlunds Förlag).

Wiberg M. and Raunio T. (1996) Strong parliament of a small eu member state: The Finnish parliament's adaptation to the EU, The Journal of Legislative Studies, Volume 2, Issue 4, 1996, Pages 302 – 321.

Jahn D. and Storsved, S. (1995) Legitimacy through referendum? The nearly successful domino-strategy of the EU-referendums in Austria, Finland, Sweden and Norway, West European Politics, Volume 18, Issue 4, 18 – 37.

Ojanen, T. (1993) EY-oikeus jäsenvaltioissa: valtiosääntöoikeudellinen tutkimus EY-oikeuden valtionsisäisestä voimassaolosta, vaikutuksista ja asemasta, Helsinki: Lakimiesliiton kustannus.

Humphreys, Patrick (1990) Finland and Europe, Helsinki: Tietosanoma.