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Lisbon Treaty
Preparation StageNegotiation Stage Ratification Stage

Constitution (2004)
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Nice Treaty (2001)
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Amsterdam Treaty (1997)
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Maastricht Treaty (1992)
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Single European Act (1986)
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Treaties of Rome (1957)
Preparation StageNegotiation Stage Ratification Stage
Treaty of Paris (1951)
Preparation StageNegotiation Stage Ratification Stage
Case LawBibliography
Home > Treaty of Paris > Ratification Stage > Germany
Preparation StageNegotiation StageRatification Stage
The Bundestag adopted the bill ratifying the Treaty on 11January 1952 by 378 to 143. The opposing forces included the Communists and Social Democrats. The Bundesrat followed suit on 1February 1952 and adopted a supplementary resolution on 1July 1952 which called on the Federal Government to ensure that the Allied High Commission abolished all the restraints on iron and steel production in Germany and that West Berlin was expressly included in the territory covered by the ECSC.



Draft law introduced on 6 June 1951
Public debates on 15 and 27 June 1951 and 1 February 1952
Final reading on 1 February 1952.


Draft law introduced on 29 June 1951
Public debates on 12 July and 9, 10 and 11 January 1952
Final vote: passed by 378 votes to 143



Entschließung des Bundesrates, 01.02.1952, Bulletin des Presse- und Informationsamtes der Bundesregierung, 05.02.1952, n° 15, p. 136.

Hallstein, Walter (1952), Germany and the Schuman Plan, (PDF)




© Carlos Closa 2003 - Design by Eduardo Jáuregui. Edited by Mario Kölling
Doctorado en Unión Europea