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Lisbon Treaty
Preparation StageNegotiation Stage Ratification Stage

Constitution (2004)
Preparation StageNegotiation Stage Ratification Stage

Nice Treaty (2001)
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Amsterdam Treaty (1997)
Preparation StageNegotiation Stage Ratification Stage
Maastricht Treaty (1992)
Preparation StageNegotiation Stage Ratification Stage
Single European Act (1986)
Preparation StageNegotiation Stage Ratification Stage
Treaties of Rome (1957)
Preparation StageNegotiation Stage Ratification Stage
Treaty of Paris (1951)
Preparation StageNegotiation Stage Ratification Stage
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Home > The Treaty of Paris > Preparation Stage
Preparation StageNegotiation StageRatification Stage


The "Schuman Plan" was the basis for the subsequent 1950-51 IGC and the first step towards European integration. The historical archive at the University of Leiden and the european navigator contain further preparatory materials from this time period.
The Schuman Plan was approved by the French Government late in the morning of 9 May 1950. The reactions to the French proposals were mixed, while some sceptics saw in them a new cartel between steel-mill owners, others believed they represented American control over Europe, particularly given the open support for the Plan expressed by the American High Commissioner for Germany, John McCloy. The Communists saw it as the first step towards a new declaration of war against the Soviet bloc.

Robert Schuman - Source:  European Commission Audiovisual Library

In general, however, public opinion was favourable towards Robert Schuman’s declaration, even if the full significance of the Plan was difficult to grasp. At diplomatic level, despite some technical problems, the European countries that had been approached had no wish to be left on the sidelines of the building of Europe.

The Schuman Plan - 6/5/1950 Final draft of plan (french)

The Schuman Plan - 9/5/1950 English translation of the text of Schuman's radio announcement of the French -German pool for coal and steel.

Reactions to the declaration:

Déclaration adoptée par la Commission des Affaires européennes de la Chambre de commerce internationale, 21/11/1950. (French) (PDF)
Debate in the German Parliament in Bonn, 13/06/1950. (German) (PDF)


© Carlos Closa 2003 - Design by Eduardo Jáuregui. Edited by Mario Kölling
Doctorado en Unión Europea