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Amsterdam Treaty (1997)
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Maastricht Treaty (1992)
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Single European Act (1986)
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Treaties of Rome (1957)
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Treaty of Paris (1951)
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Home > Amsterdam Treaty



  • Areiza Carvajal, J.M. de, "Enhanced cooperations in the Treaty of Amsterdam: some critical remarks", Harvard Law School, The Jean Monnet Chair, Working Papers N. 13, 1998.
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  • Bribosia, H., " De la Subsidiarité à la coopération renforcée ", Le Traite' d'Amsterdam: Espoirs et Déceptions, Brussels: Bruylant, 1998.
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  • Navarro Batista, N., "El sistema institucional en el Tratado de Ámsterdam", Boletín Europeo de la Universidad de La Rioja, N. 2, Febrero 1998, Suplemento, 17-30.
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Doctorado en Unión Europea