Laserlab Europe is a consortium created in 2004 with the goal of making Europe the leading continent in research with lasers. Currently consists of 28 laboratories of excellence located in 16 countries of the European Union.
Here we show the links to the official webpages of the conferences related to the Conservation of Heritage Materials in which some members of CSD-TCP will take part along 2013 and 2014
The Joint Programming Initiative on Cultural Heritage (JPICH) has finally taken shape, in the form of a 3-year program called the Joint Heritage European Programme (JHEP), which will coordinate the calls for research proposals.
The course's main objective is to show the most important techniques about absolute dating, such as dendrochronology, radiocarbon, lichenometry, luminescence, cosmogenic, archaeomagnetism, amino acid racemization, radiometric uranium series, etc.
On November 28th, Cultural Heritage took a big step in obtaining a place within the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme (2014-2020).
February 15th will see the closing of the call for transnational access to the infrastructures included in project CHARISMA (Cultural Heritage Advanced Research Infrastructures). These are grouped in ARCHLAB, FIXLAB and MOLAB. For more information, visit the call web page.
ArcLand is the EC funded project ArchaeoLandscapes Europe, which explores how aerial imagery and remote sensing is being used by archaeologists to understand our past.
The proceedings of the 4th International Conference EuroMed 2012, held in Lemessos (Cyprus) on October 29-November 3, 2012 has been published by Springer under the title Progress in Cultural Heritage Preservation. The book has been edited by Marinos Ioannides, Dieter Fritsch, Johanna Leissner, Rob Davies, Fabio Remondino and Rossella Caff, and can be bought both in soft cover (ISBN 978-3-642-34233-2) and eBook (ISBN 978-3-642-34234-9).
The call for posters for the Radio-Past colloquium Non-destructive approaches to complex archaeological sites in Europe: a round-up is still open. This colloquium is organized within the framework of the European Marie Curie project “Radiography of the Past”.