On May 16th-21st 2011 a training school will take place in Florence and Pisa (Italy), jointly organized by the COST Actions IE0601 and MP0601, with the theme “Wood Cultural Heritage conservation: advanced X-Ray and optical techniques”. More information on the detailed program and application instructions in the brochure.
The pre-enrolment period for the following CSD-TCP training courses is open:
Taught by Carlos Odriozola, Institut of Materials Science of Sevilla (Seville University), in asociation with Bruker Biosciences Spain.
March, the 16th. 11.45 - 14.00 h.
Clasroom 3101 A, first floor of the Gelology Science School, Complutense University, Madrid.
Organization: GEOMATERIALES programme. IV Regional Plan of Scientific Research and Technological Innovation.
This international "HOMER 2011" conference aims to bring together the many researchers interested in questions of coastal archaeology, maritime communities and the interactions between people and the marine environment. The geographical frame of reference will be the Channel, North Sea and Atlantic areas of Europe.
The origin of the Joint Geomorphological Meetings is the combination of associations of geomorphologists from Italy, Greece, Belgium, Romania and France. The resulting meetings have, however, proven to be very active and scientifically stimulating.
This year it's fifteenth edition will take place the first days of June in Athens. For more information click here.
Here you have available some posters presented in the last two years by the ARQUEOMETAL group.
On July 4-15 Eawag Kastanienbaum (Switzerland) will host a Summer School titled "Sediments as archives of environmental change". For more information click here.
The Geomateriales Programme(CSIC-UCM) presents its 2011edition of the CSIC posgraduate course: The conservation of the geomaterials used on Heritage.
In the framework of the FP7 Marie Curie–People IAPP project “Radiography of the Past”, a series of High Formation Summer Schools are being conducted during the years 2010 to 2012. The Second Summer School, which will take place in Ammaia/Portugal from July 3 –9, 2011, is especially concerned with geophysical and geomorphological survey of complex archaeological sites.