Analiza la evolución del antijudaísmo en Occidente, desde el mundo antiguo hasta la actualidad. Especialmente interesantes para los estudios sefardíes son los capítulos 6 y 7.
Los capítulos del libro son los siguientes:
Introduction: Thinking about Judaism, or the Judaism of Thought, pp. 1-12
Chapter 1The Ancient World: Egypt, Exodus, Empire,pp. 13-47
Chapter 2Early Christianity: The Road to Emmaus, The Road to Damascus,pp. 48-86
Chapter 3The Early Church: Making Sense of the World in Jewish Terms,pp. 87-134
Chapter 4"To Every Prophet an Adversary": Jewish Enmity in Islam,pp. 135-182
Chapter 5"The Revenge of the Savior": Jews and Power in Medieval Europe,pp. 183-216
Chapter 6The Extinction of Spain's Jews and the Birth of Its Inquisition, pp. 217-245
Chapter 7Reformation and Its Consequences,pp. 246-268
Chapter 8Which Is the Merchant Here, and Which the Jew? ": Acting Jewish in Shakespeare's England,pp. 269-299
Chapter 9Israel" at the Foundations of Christian Politics: 1545-1677, pp. 300-324
Chapter 10Enlightenment Revolts against Judaism: 1670-1789,pp. 325-360
Chapter 11The Revolutionary Perfection of the World: 1789-?,pp. 361-386
Chapter 12Philosophical Struggles with Judaism, from Kant to Heine, pp. 387-422
Chapter 13Modernity Thinks with Judaism, pp. 423-460
Epilogue: Drowning Intellectuals,pp. 461-472
historia, History, relaciones, relations, diáspora, diaspora, emigración, emigration,sefardíes y España, Sephardic Jews and Spain,antisemitismo, antisemitism, Holocausto, Holocaust, Shoá, nazismo, nazism,expulsión, Expulsion, Inquisición, Inquisition, historia del pensamiento, history of thoughts,identidad, identity ,ideología, ideology.