Margarita del Olmo (coordinator)


Margarita del Olmo

Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, CSIC

c/ Albasanz 26-28 (despacho 1F-9)

28037 Madrid, España

I am an anthropologist working as a scientist at the Human and Social Sciences of the National Council for Scientific Research (CSIC). As a member of the INTER Group, I have participated in several projects related to the field of Education (See below). I have also worked in different countries: US, Canada, Argentina, South Africa and Austria. My main field of interest is Racism and Racism prevention, but my whole career as a researcher could fit under the umbrella cultural contact. I have done field work on the following topics:

  • Canadian reservation System
  • Argentinian Exiles to Spain
  • Spanish Converts to Islam
  • Immigration and Integration
  • Cultural Identity
  • Multiculturalism
  • Intercultural Education

My last fieldwork was carried out between 2005 and 2008 in the “Linking classrooms” of the Community of Madrid (a program to address the needs of immigrant students), within the framework of the first project on integration (HUM2006-03511/FILO) to which the current one is a sequel: Participation Strategies and racism Prevention in Schools II (FFI2009-08762)

In the last five years I have participated as a member of the following research projects funded by public administrations:

Title INTER: A Practical Guide to implement Intercultural Education
Referece: 106223-CP-1-2002-1-ES-Comenius-C21
Funded by: European Union, Socrates Program
Dates: Octubre 2002- Septiembre 2005
Principal Investigator: Dra. Margarita del Olmo (general coordinator. Dra. Teresa Aguado)
This project was granted the EVENS Prize 2005 (Evens Foundation, Anwerp, Bélgica) because its meaningful contribution to social integration in.

Title: Estrategias de integración social y prevención de racismo en las escuelas
Reference: HUM2006-03511/FILO
Funded by: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, R+D Program
Dates: 1 Octubre 2006-30. Septiembre 2009
Principal Investigator: Margarita del Olmo

Title: Racismo, adolescencia e inmigración. Análisis y propuestas de Educación antirracista
Reference: PR41/06-15046
Funded by: Universidad Complutense/Banco de Santander
Dates: Enero 2006- Diciembre 2007
Principal Investigator: Caridad Hernández Sánchez

Title: INTER. Postgraduate Euro-Latinamerican Programme in Intercultural Education
Reference: ALFA II-0534-A
Funded by: European Union, Alfa Program
Dates: Enero 2007- Octubre 2009
IP: Dra. Margarita del Olmo at CSIC (Dra. Beatriz Malik y Dr. Sergio Téllezgeneral coordinators)

Title: INTER Network. Intercultural Education, Teacher Training and School Practice
Reference: 134367-LLP-2007-ES-COMENIUS-CNW
Funded by: European Union, Comenius Network Program
Dates: 15 Octubre 2007- 14 octubre 2010
PI: Margarita del Olmo at CSIC (Patricia Mata general coordinator)

Some recent published works:

Teresa Aguado y Margarita del Olmo eds.: Educación Intercultural. Perspectivas y propuestas. Madrid: Ramón Areces, 2009. ISBN: 9788480049528.

Teresa AGUADO y Margarita DEL OLMO eds.: Intercultural Education. Perspectives and Proposals. UE Programa Alfa, 2009. ISBN: 9788461350827.

INTER Group: Racism: What Is It and How to Deal with It. Vienna: Navreme. 2007. ISBN: 9789989500541.

Grupo INTER: Racismo. Qué es y cómo se afronta. Madrid: Pearson, Prentice-Hall, 2007. ISBN: 9788420553269.

INTER Group: Racism: a Teenagers’ Perspectiva. Results of a Preliminary Research from Madrid (Spain). (bilingual edition Spanish/English). Vienna: Navreme. 2007. ISBN: 9989500497.

INTER Group: Culture is Our Focus, Diversity is Our Normality. Viena: Navreme. 2006. ISBN: 998950041X.

Caridad Hernández y Margarita del Olmo: Antropología en el aula: Una propuesta didáctica para una sociedad multicultural. Madrid: Síntensis, 2005. ISBN: 8497562704.

Margarita del Olmo ed.: Problemas metodológicos en Antroplogía. Special issue of the Revista de Dialectología y Tradiciones Populares. Vol. 59 nº 1. Madrid: CSIC, 2003. ISSN: 00347981.

Margarita del Olmo: La utopía en el exilio. Madrid: CSIC, 2002. ISBN: 8400080823.

Margarita del Olmo: Re-Shaping Kids through Public Policy on Diversity. Lessons from Madrid. Viena:Navreme. 2010.

Margarita del Olmo ed.: Dilemas éticos en Antropología. La costuras del trabajo de campo etnográfico. Madrid: Trotta.

In the current research project (Participation Strategies and racism Prevention in Schools FFI2009-08762), I will coordinate the tasks of the rest of the members, but also I will be in charge of analyzing the process of integration of immigrant students in regular courses, once they finish the special program. My intention is also to contribute with concrete proposals to improve this transition.