Ceferina Anta Cabreros



Ceferina Anta Cabreros 

Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, CSIC

c/ Albasanz 26-28 (despacho 3A-5)

28037 Madrid, España



Academic formation:

Public Institutions Researcher. Degree in Political Sciences and Sociology, Complutense University 1981, Madrid. PhD: Faculty of Education, UNED, Madrid Spain.

In recent years she has participated in the following papers and research lines:

* Title: Bibliometric Análysis in Education: Incidence in the University Quality. 2003.
* Title: Creation of a Prospection, Analysis, Evaluation and Definition System of the Information Resources of Science and Technology. Date, 2000.
* Title: Science and INTERNET (TEL97-0670). Date, 1999
* Title: Development of Bibliographical Databases of Information in Human and Social Sciences. Normalization of the Scientific Terminology and Creation of Tesauri Sectoriales.
* Title: Development of Bibliographical Databases of Information in Human and Social Sciences: Update of the Spanish Scientific Literature. Date 1984-1989.



Anta Cabreros, Ceferina. “Experimental Sciences Virtual Resources directed at non-university educational levels (II)”. En Quaders Digittals. Net nº 62. Available at http://www.quadernsdigitals.net/index.php?accionMenu=hemeroteca.Visualiz... - [16-03-2010]

Anta Cabreros, Ceferina. “Experimental Sciences Virtual Resources Directed at non-University Educational Levels”. Virtual Library: Science and University of OEI. Available at http://www.oei.es/salactsi/cienciasenlared.pdf 2009

Anta Cabreros, Ceferina. “Dissemination of Spanish Scientific Production through Bibliographic Databases CSIC: ISOC Database” Documentation as a Public Service: Studies in Tribute to Adelaida Román. CSIC. 2009. ISBN: 978-8400-08844- 6

Anta, C. (2008). Bibliometric Analysis of Educational Research Disseminated in Spanish Journals Between 1990 and 2002. Revista Electrónica de Investigación Educativa, 10 (2). 2008. Available at http://redie.uabc.mx/vol10no1/contents-anta.html

Anta Cabreros, Ceferina et al.: CD-ROM CSIC Databases. Area of Education Sciences from 1996 -2007 Edit: Micronet, S.A. Databases CSIC. Distributed by: Server bd Doc Technical Center Information (CTI) del CSIC. Date: 1980 to 2007.

Anta Cabreros, Ceferina; Pérez Rodríguez, José Miguel. “Scientific Production on Science Teaching. Analysis of Publications in Spanish Journals” IV Congreso sobre Comunicación Social de la Ciencia. "Cultura científica y cultura democrática" Date: 21-11-07:23-11-07 Organizers: CSIC, FECYT, Ministry of Education and Science

Anta Cabreros, Ceferina; Pérez Rodríguez, José Miguel. “Sociological Analysis and Content of the Use of New Technologies in the Areas of Social Sciences and Humanities" Book: Claves de la Alfabetización digital. ARIEL. Collection Foundation Telefonica. 2006. ISBN 10: 84-08-07120-3

Anta Cabreros, Ceferina. “Distributors of Databases and Bibliographical Databases Specializing in Social and Human Sciences”. Information specializing in Internet: Directory of scientific and professional interest. CINDOC Reprographics Section. Madrid. 2006. ISBN: 84-00-08436-5


Anta Cabreros, Ceferina; Pérez Rodríguez, José Miguel. “Leadership of Publications by Women on ICT in the area of Education. Comparative Analysis of publications Available at http://www.cibersociedad.net/congres2006/gts/comunicacio.php?id=566. 2006

Anta Cabreros, Ceferina. ”Sociological and Content Analysis of the EPA in Three Different Geographical Contexts”. Date June 2005


Anta Cabreros, Ceferina; Perez Rodríguez, José Miguel. Social and Humanistic Perspective of the Environment. Analysis across Spanish Scientific Journals. Date March 2005.

Anta Cabreros, Ceferina. “Analysis of the Institutional Cooperation of Latin America in Spanish Scientific Journals. Date August 2004. Buenos Aires, Argentina

Anta Cabreros, Ceferina; Pérez Rodríguez, José Miguel. The use of TIC in Education: Bibliometric Analysis in Spanish Scientific journals. Date November 2004

Anta Cabreros, Ceferina. New Technologies in Education and its Dissemination across Spanish Scientific Journals. Vol 18-19 - September 2004. Journal: Biblos. Place of publication: Lima -Perú

Anta Cabreros, Ceferina. Cap.: Database Distribution of Information and Bibliographical Databases Specialized in Human and Social Sciences. Date 2001. Publisher, Sección de Reprografía del CINDOC

Villagra Rubio, Angel / Anta Cabreros, Ceferina/ Valverde, Ana María/ Ruiz Gávez, María/ Espinosa, María. Title: Knowledge Management in Social Sciences in the Net: Electronic Spanish Journals. Date October 2000.

Anta Cabreros, Ceferina. “Study on the Publications Brings over of the Educational Reform LOGSE”. Revista Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado, Nº 28, pp. 245-255. 1997.

Anta Cabreros, Ceferina. “International Situation of Scientific Production in non-University Levels in the School computer” Available at http://www.sav.us.es/pixelbit/pixelbit/articulos/n7/n7art/art71.htm . Pixel Bit: Revista de Medios y Educación. Sevilla. 1996.

Anta Cabreros, Ceferina et al. Título: Spanish Index of Social Sciences, Series

Anta Cabreros: Psychology and Science of the Education from 1980 to 1997. Annual edition. Madrid. ISSN 0213-019


Collaboration in specialized courses on the information industry given in the following institutions

University Carlos III; Alcalá de Henares, País Vasco, Complutense de Madrid. Fac. de Educación,

Other institutions

Junta de Andalucía, Sociedad Española de Documentación Científica (SEDIC), CINDOC y Curses imparted by Gabinete de Formación del CSIC.

Tutoring assigment papers:

Course: Specialist and Expert in Pedagogic Documentation. Complutense University, 1992-1995

Dedication to the project
I Will Realize work of synthesis in the lines:

* Resources for the education and learning of the immigrant pupils.
* Analysis of scientific production nationally and internationally in the most relevant sources.

The work will be carried out through the study of:

National sources:

* ISOC Bibliographic Database
* REDINET Education Network
* TESEO Database

International sources

* Database Education Resources Information Center (ERIC)
* Dare. Social and Human Sciences Documentation Center of UNESCO

Possibly it will need to explore other sources that are closely related to the subject under study. Such as: Social Sciences Citation Index, Sociological Abstracts and so on.
The valuation was carried out under the paradigm of sociology of science in different geographic contexts, national and international.
Results will be disseminated in journals and other media.