Primera Reunión de la Red de Ciencia y Tecnología para la Conservación del Patrimonio (TechnoHeritage 2011)
15 April, 2011 - 13:29 | anadelia.rodriguez
Atthemeetingof the Network Executive CommitteeheldonMarch the 31st, it was setted on the organizationin June of2011,on datesto be determined,theFirstMeetingof the membersof theNetwork. There aim is to introducethedifferentgroups, so they will know each other andexplain theiractivities inrelation tothescientific studyand conservationofCulturalHeritage.The immediacyofthedateis due toperform the first year's activities and acceleratethe processof knowledge betweengroups and encouragecollaborations.
TheMeetingwill beheld inMadridovertwo days.All communications will beoral.These will includea presentationof each groupanditslines ofwork.Submissionswill be edited intoabook that will bedistributedto attendeesat the Meeting.