This event will be held on September 19-23 in the Cultural Heritage School of Nájera.
The heritage of glass remains is, still, almost unknown in our country and sadly underserved. Even with a long thriving history since ancient times until industrial and actual glass.
The aim of this course is raise awareness about this issues to proffesionals involved with this heritage and provide them with the necessary knowledge, basic tools of analysis and intervention to its preservationg according with its importance.
El objetivo de este curso es concienciar sobre estos aspectos a los profesionales relacionados con este patrimonio y dotarles de unos conocimientos, herramientas básicas de análisis e intervención que permitan su preservación acorde con su importancia.
This event will affect in the identification and preservation of glassy material from a modern vision according to the expertise of the participant.
Registration will take place completing the form avaliable in:
People admitted in the course will receive express notice via email.
More information of this course on